Monday, December 10, 2007

The Challenge

We were challenged to submit 5 names for temple ordinances this year. I have been faithfully doing genealogy for a year and a half but so far, have yet to get any names organized to submit...until today. Well, that's not true. I actually submitted then about a month ago but today, I got the cards out and organized them so that the baptisms could be done. There were 10 female names, and 15 male names, along with a couple sealing. Plus, I downloaded about 30 more names from my recent, and very fruitful, trip to see my great-Aunt who had a pedigree chart clear back to the early 1700's on one line. So, I have met my challenge.

For last year's challenge, I was 3 months late in finishing the Book of Mormon, but I did finish. This year, I will have finished the New Testament and I'm only about 4 chapters away. It was a goal this year, and I'm happy to have achieved it. Next year's goal will be more difficult...The Old Testament. Do you feel my pain?

1 comment:

Carpenters said...

I just ran across your blog....You are amazing. I am so proud of the choices you have made even when it is so difficult. We are all human and not perfect, it took my day 11 years to come around. I hope thatyour husbands heart will soften. I too have fallen inactive at times. It is very difficult to come back...but so worth it....